Tuesday, May 11, 2010

George Herbert Walker Bush (1989–1993)

George Herbert Walker Bush was born on

173 Adams Street in Milton, Massachusetts on June 12, 1924. He was born from a wealthy family, who are the ancestors of royal blood.

In his early life, he enrolled Greenwich Country Day School in Greenwich. Later, in 1936, he attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. At this school he excellently used his talent of leadership by being a president of a senior class secretary of the student council, president of the community fund-raising group, a member of the editorial board of the school newspaper, and captain of both the varsity baseball and soccer teams.

During the World War II, he served as naval aviator at the age of 18, being a youngest naval aviator in World War II, photographic officer, and air force. He fought the war in Bonin Islands and Chichijima against Japanese, once close to be held captive. In 1944, he went to Philippines and participated in operations. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross, three Air Medals, and the Presidential Unit Citation awarded to San Jacinto by flying 58 combat missions.]

Bush had been accepted to Yale University prior to his enlistment in the military. There, graduated one and half year earlier than others.

After Bush graduated from courage, he moved to West Texas and started a oil company, named it Bush-Overby Oil Development company. This greatly succeeded, which made him a millionaire.

Election of (1988)

Bush is a republican. He received 426 of the electoral votes. His popular vote count was 48,886,597 which was 53.4%. His Opponent was Michael Dukakis. Dukakis was a democrat.

Domestic Policies and Affairs

Policies related to a country's internal affairs
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Clean Air Act
a limited agenda

a limited agenda

When Bush became the President the federal budget dept was $2.8 trillion. With such big depts comes constraints, Bush decided to use a limited agenda. The limited agenda involved volunteerism, education reform, and anti-drug efforts. Bush pledged not to raise taxes but maintaining this while balancing the budget and reduce the deficit without having to increase taxes.
This was a problem because the democrats wanted the richer americans to have a hgher tax and the republicans wanted to drastically cut the domestic spending.
In 1990, Bush had to go back on his no taxes pledge and raised them, he called them revenue increases. During this time the saving and loans industry was failing. Bush spent alot of money to bail them out but this made the difficult financial environment harder.

The Americans with Disabilities Act

in 1990 Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act. He didn't want disabled people to be discriminated, weather in employment, public accommodations, and transportation. All Bush actually did was agree on the bill, Congress has brought it from the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Bush thought this bill would grant the disabled more independence. The Democrats and Republicans approved of the bill but the Conservatives think of it as Bush's betrayal of the Reagan Revolution.

Clean Air Act

The second Act that Bush signed was the Clean Air Act of 1990. Previously the Exxon Valde,an oil tanker had a spill. More than 10 million gallons of oil was poured into Prince William Sound in Alaska. This helped Bush because the public suddenly grew more aware of the environment and the need to protect it. In 1989 Bush had chosen William Reilly as the head of EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. This bill focused on reducing urban smog, curbing acid rain, and eliminating industrial emission of toxic chemicals.

Foreign Policy and Affairs

a policy governing international relations
End of the Cold War and Changing U.S.-Soviet Relations,
Persian Gulf War


While trying to stop the spread of communism throughout the Cold War, Manuel Noreiga became the director of the CI. Noreiga was from Panama and provided intelligence but Noreiga soon became involved with the international drug trade. The U.S government tried to rid themselves of him but he grew more and more powerful in Panama. In 1983 he became the Panamanian dictator and controlled the country. The Democrats and Congress soon demanded that justice was brought to Panama. On December 20th the U.S military launched “Operation Just Cause”. 10,000 forces were sent to Panama, along with the excisting 13,000 they quickly won the battle. Noriega was sent to prison, charged on drug trafficking. Bush gained respect and boosted his reputation.

End of the Cold War and Changing U.S.-Soviet Relations

A year before his Presidency (1988) Bush met Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev. "great nations of the world are moving toward democracy through the door to freedom." -Bush.
When the Berlin was torn down in november 1989, George Bush was glad but didn't show much emotion. His conservative supporters were upset but he did not want to appear to look down upon the Soviet Union. December 1989 summit, Bush and Gorbachev discussed arms reductions and strengthing their realtions. In July 1991, Bush met Gorbachev in Moscow and signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, known as START. Slowly Gorbachev lost power and resigned as the President of the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991. Some people thought Bush was too close to the Soviet Union, but in the end it worked.

German Unification

This was un-expected for the U.S and suprised them even more when the united Germany joined the NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. There were 3 main proposals, 1. Let Germany settle the problem . 2. The victors and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and its thirty-five members choose the path to go. 3.involve the two Germanys with the World War II victors in a framework that became known as "Two-plus-Four." 1990 February, option 3 is chosen. The victors will work on what to do on external affairs while the 2 Germanys discuss internal affairs. The talks started in May and ended in September. Germany would be part of NATO but no NATO troops would be stationed in East Germany. Soviet troops would have 3-4 years to leave East Germany and Germany would provide economic assistance to the Soviet Union.


George bush was one of the highest qualified presidents. He was great in foreign affairs but not that good with domestic affairs. This would be the reason he didn't win again. The amount of foreign affairs wasn't enough to over shadow his domestic failure. Bush did a great job with the Soviet union and Panama. I would say he was successful.